
Showing posts from September, 2021


ENDANGERED SPECIES OF J&K  If there is a Paradise on earth then it is here in Kashmir. The scenic beauty of the place  is as beautiful as the words describing it are. Jammu and kashmir is the land of rich flora and    fauna. But in recent years the place has gone under a heavy loss of its flora and fauna.                   J&K ENDANGERED SPECIES   An endangered species,any species that is at risk of extinction because of a sudden rapid decrease in its population or a loss of its critical habitat. An endangered species is a species that has been categorized as likely to become Extinct Endangered  (EN) , as categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN).              ENDANGERED SPECIES OF ANIMALS.  SNOW LEOPARD        Scientific name: Panthera uncia       Found in : Jammu ,Kashmir & Ladakh   ...

National Parks of j&k

5 National  Parks in jammu  kashmir and ladakh Region   Dachigam National Park   Salim Ali National Park Kazinag National Park Kishtwar National Park Hemis National Park            1.  Dachigam National Park • Smallest national park • Located at distance of 22 km from srinagar • Decleared National Park in 1981 • Covers an area of 141 sq kms • Famous for Hangul ( kashmiri stag)                      Hangul (kashmiri Stag) 2. Salim Ali National Park  • Located in srinagar • Notified in 1987 • Covers an area of9.07sq.kms • Features a no. Of wildlife species such as Hangul,    Musk deer,Himalayan black beer and 70 species of     birds including paradise flycathcher, Himalayan    Snow cock.                       Himalayan snow cock             3...

Interesting facts about insects 🐞🐝

 Facts :- Ants 🐜:- Ants are the longest living insects. Ants don't have ears and some of them don't have eyes.  Ants   Butterflies :- Butterflies can see colours that humans can't.  Butterflies taste with their feet .    Papilio demoleus (lemon butterfly)  Dragonfly :- Dragonfly  wings kill bacteria on contact by ripping apart their cell membranes with sharp nanopillar as they move across the surface of the wing.  Dragonfly have been on earth for 300million years!  Dragonfly   Grasshopper :- They have special organs in their hind legs that store energy for jumping.  Grasshopper existed before dinosaurs .  Grasshopper   Lady bird (beetle) :- A labybird might eat more than 5,000 insects in its lifetime.  Ladybird sometimes play dead to avoid predators.  labybird beetle ( Epilachna borealis )  Mosquitoes:- They are attracted to smelly feet.  Aedes aegypti ( yellow fever mosquito) Fruitflies :- ...

Environmental Awareness Days Of the Year.

Environmental Awareness Days Of The Year  We celebrate different days related to environment and Biodiversity to create awareness about the significance of nature.The ideas of celebrating these days is to remind yourself  about the restoration of our ecosystem for own survival.Atleast we can take a pledge to contribute in our own little way to preserve and save our planet . Here I am adding a few days that we celebrate to cherish our life on mother earth . Date                                       Day  February  2                -   World Wetlands Day  February 27              - Polar Bear Day February 28              - National Science Day March 3                     - World Wildlife Day Ma...

The Kashmir Flycatcher

The Kashmir Flycatcher  Scientific name: Ficedula subrubra The Kashmir Flycatcher is a small passerine bird in the flycatcher family Muscicapidae . This is an insectivorous species which breeds in the north -west Himalayas in Kashmir valley and it is endemic to it . It is a migratory bird and migrates to the hills of central Sri Lanka and Western ghats of India in winters. The identified sites for Kashmir flycatcher in the valley are Dachigam National Park ,Overa Aru Wildlife Sanctuary and Shikargah area in Tral. Male Flycatcher has a grey brown back with an orange red throat ,breast and flanks ,bordered with black on the throat and breast.Female and First winter birds have slightly browner upperparts and the red of the underparts may be reduced to just a pinkish wash. It breeds in deciduous forest with dense undergrowth , nesting in a hole in a tree and laying 3-5 eggs which are incubated by female. According to IUCN RED  LIST , it is listed in the vulnerable category. The de...


  Catharanthus roseus ( Madagascar periwinkle) :The common plant which you can see everywhere and you might not have imgained how vast it is.🍀 The plant belongs to family Apocynaceae.It is one of the most medicinally valuable plant which is used for centuries for treatment of depression , diabetes , skin etc.  It is also used for treatment of cancer.It is an evergreen shrub or bush with a small flower of five petals. Cancer :- It is a non infectious disease. It involves rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries and can also invade adjoining parts of body and organs by process called metastasis. The agents which cause cancer are called carcinogens. Cancer is a deadly disease.In simple it is uncontrolled cell division producing large mass of cells called tumours. Vinca alkaloids:- Vinca alkaloids are subsets of drugs obtained from plant periwinkle.They are naturally extracted from this plant and have cytotoxic and hypoglycemic effects.  The f...

