The Kashmir Flycatcher
The Kashmir Flycatcher
Scientific name:Ficedula subrubra
Male Flycatcher has a grey brown back with an orange red throat ,breast and flanks ,bordered with black on the throat and breast.Female and First winter birds have slightly browner upperparts and the red of the underparts may be reduced to just a pinkish wash.
It breeds in deciduous forest with dense undergrowth , nesting in a hole in a tree and laying 3-5 eggs which are incubated by female.
According to IUCN RED LIST , it is listed in the vulnerable category.The decreasing population of the species which is also severely fragmented as a result of the destruction of temperate mixed deciduous forests by commercial timber extraction , agriculture and livestock grazing .
According to the official data of wildlife department J&K and SKUAST , around 550 species of local birds have been listed so far.
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