Visit to Gharana Wetland


Wetlands are defined as lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic eco-systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. 

Wetlands are considered to have unique ecological features which provide numerous products and services to humanity. 

Ecosystem goods provided by the wetlands mainly include: water for irrigation; fisheries; non-timber forest products; water supply; and recreation. 

Gharana wetland Reserve:

Ghar-ana wetland (meaning Welcome home) is paradise of migratory birds. Gharana wetland in R.S.Pura sector is located about 27 kms away from Jammu city, close to the International border with Pakistan.

It has been the winter destination for Siberian birds It is known as “the bird- watcher’s paradise”
It has the land most suitable for Basmati cultivation and thus, called as the “city of white gold”. 

Migratory birds in Gharana wetland :

In the Gharana wetland more than 170 resident and migratory species have been reported by the researchers of Jammu University.

Some of the flagship species are Bar headed Geese, Grey Lag Goose, Shelducks, Pochard, Gadwill, Pintail Duck, Mallard, Spoonbills, Common Cranes, Wooly necked Storks and Wigeon, Whistling Teals.

Gharana is partially covered with various water plants — water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla spp. and Typha spp.

The  wetland of Gharana, barring a small patch of marshy pond, and adjoining area, more or less comprises of agriculture fields.

Paddy, a good quality basmati variety, is the major crop grown here. However, by the time the birds arrive in Gharana during winter, the tender shoots of wheat are already in place. 

This, coupled with marshy patches and a variety of aquatic vegetation, probably qualifies the Gharana as the most sought after habitat of many bird species near Jammu town.

Seasonal Diversity :

The highest number of species was found in November and February. November had the highest and July had the lowest waterbird population. 

The increase in the number of migratory species in winter is attributed to availability of space and food resources. Rice fields provide important water bird habitat from perspectives of food quality and quantity, as they provide natural food in form of moist soil plant seeds, and green forage. 

Avifaunal Diversity and their feeding Guilds:

Gharana Wetland provides diverse food resources to the birds in form of plants and animals. Some birds find food in wetland soil and others in water column. 

Aquatic vegetation, abundance of benthic invertebrates, dipteran larvae, variety of insects and a wide stretch of paddy fields adjoining the wetland attributes to the different types of feeding guilds which were employed by various bird species.

A wide stretch of agricultural fields skirting the wetland along with native trees provide additional food to birds in form of seeds, tree fruits, bees, and animal feeds. 

So the birds like Red Wattled Lapwing, Indian Myna, White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Red Vented Bulbul showing multiple feeding guilds inhabit this area. 

Availability of food in good quantity and quality constitutes one of the prime requisite of bird species in an area.


Military activities, Invasive species, Poaching, Agricultural Encroachment, Deforestation and Cilmate change are major threats to Ghrana Wetland.

Two main management criteria need to be considered on Gharana wetland site: 

Demarcation of wetland from the village. Fencing is one of the simplest ways to protect the wetland 
 areas having excessive human interference.

Creating buffer zone :Establishment of native vegetative buffer or greenbelt around the wetlands which serves to uptake the excessive nutrients and slow the velocity of overland flow.

Building awareness among general public, educational and corporate institutions must be created for achieving sustainable success of these wetlands.

These wetlands of are actually the Nature’s gift to people and God’s gift to the birds who fly thousands of miles every year to visit these wetlands. These wetlands also provide an excellent opportunity for the development of ecotourists spots, bird watching grounds, birding fairs which fetch huge income to our state.  

BIBLIOGRAPHY:All images and videos are taken
by me , and the information is taken from internet.

Priya Sharma 

Student of MSC Zoology 1st year of Govt. college for women Parade , Jammu visited Gharana wetland RS PURA Jammu on 4th of December 2021.


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