Khalij pheasant ( New UT bird of jammu and kashmir)
New UT bird of jammu and kashmir
(Khalij pheasant)
On 21st of October 2021 the government of jammu and kashmir declared khalij pheasant as bird of the union territory of jammu and kashmir
Khalij pheasant is known as wan kokur,wan kokud or Ban kokur in kashmiri,which can be transcribed as wild cock.
Scientific name - lophura leucomelanos
Scientific classification
Kingdom. Animalia
Phylum. Chordata
Class. Aves
Order. Galliformes
Family. Phasianidae
Genus. Lophura
Species. L.leucomelanos
The khalij pheasant (lophura leucomelanous) is a pheasant found in forests and thickets, especially in Himalayas foothills,from Pakistan to western Thailand.
Males are rather variable depending on the subspecies involved,but all have an atleast partially glossy bluish - black plumage,while females are overall brownish.
Lophura leucomelanous (female)
Both sexes have bare red face and greyish legs.
It is generally common and widespread, through three of its eastern Subspecies (L.l.oatesi,L.l.lineata,and L.l.crawfurdi) are considered threatened and L.l.moffitti is virtually unknown in the wild.
The name is also spelled in kaleege in old texts,such as Game birds of India and Asia by Frank Finn, through no longer in his Indian Sporting Birds.
The Species was introduced to Hawaii in 1962 as a gamebird.
Information is taken from internet ( Wikipedia)
Images are also taken from internet
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